Monday, May 23, 2011

Paul Ryan For President

Political junkies were dealt a kick in the groin when Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels opted out of a run for President. Is this the end of the Republican Party? The Conservative Movement? Is Barack Obama destined for a landslide without a pastel Midwestern Governor to bear the standard of the G.O.P.? No. Am I thrilled with  the duo of Romney and Pawlently? No. Would I vote for them? Yes, but right now I would vote for a sugar pill as opposed to Barack Obama.

I like Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann. Cain has already demonstrated the perils of an amateur in a national campaign. Bachmann, I think is trying to elevate her national profile, but will be riddled by the misogyny clearly on parade in modern American Journalism. They hate women that are not liberal. I'm going to critique all of the candidates individually, but right now let's focus on Paul Ryan.

I do not believe in idolizing public figures and certainly not politicians. Paul Ryan as principled as he is is still in the political arena. When he made his budget plan public it included among many things the repeal of "OBAMACARE". He knew upon proposing it that President Obama would never sign a budget with the repeal provision. Paul Ryan's budget proposal, like "Kemp-Roth" is a baseline for Campaign 2012. It was a direct challenge to the fuzzy math and false promises of Obama.

Paul Ryan is a bold,fresh face on the national scene. He's informed,articulate and the most able defender of his plan. Unfortunately, most of his Republican colleagues are more political than policy wonks. They don't understand the plan, so they do not articulate a rational defense. For that matter neither could I and more to the point it is a mistake to make the "Ryan Plan" a litmus test" for conservative purity. I say this because Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey also has a plan as does Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. All of these plans, including Ryan's serve as the beginning of a critical debate on the defining issue of our generation: The financial security of the nation and our duty to leave a better nation to our posterity.
The Democrats are running against Paul Ryan. Tomorrow in New York's 26th District, a district represented by Jack Kemp for almost two decades is likely to flip to Kathy Hochul, a liberal Democrat. She is winning because she's running against Ryan's Medicare proposal contained in his budget. Jane Corwin is a legitimate conservative, but she couldn't get off Medicare and campaign on Obama's economy. This is a taste of things to come. Hochul is running against Ryan, but Corwin isn't Ryanesque in her rebuttal. The result, if polling is correct is devastating. Don't believe me? Look at the video below if you haven't seen it already.

Over the top? Of course! Will people believe it? No,not this ad specifically, but like Ryan's budget it sets a baseline for the campaign ahead. It plants a seed in your head. Chuckle now, but outrage later. The point is made as satire, but expanded in later efforts as substantive.

Just as Jane Corwin is not Paul Ryan, neither are Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. Barack Obama is going to run an unprecedented negative re election campaign. He has nothing to run on, so he'll remind the public that the G.O.P. nominee wants to throw grandma off the cliff. He'll use Paul Ryan as a millstone because he knows Paul Ryan won't be there to respond. Unless that is Paul Ryan runs for President.

Paul Ryan is coming into his own. He's becoming better known and more comfortable. His time is now. Conditions and Events rarely occur in sync with Presidential ambitions. Jack Kemp should have been President, but conditions did not provide for that outcome. Paul Ryan will be at the center of the storm whether he is the standard bearer or running for re election to Congress. The time is right for Ryan. If you are in the eye of the storm then you need to take the wheel and lead the ship of state to calmer seas. No one else can do it so effectively as Paul Ryan, so Paul Ryan must seize the moment. I don't anticipate his running, but I am hoping he seriously reconsiders. WE need a new captain. We need a President who's not hiding his head in the sand. We need Paul Ryan. Either way we must defeat Barack Obama. Run Paul run!

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