Monday, April 04, 2011

Crisis in the Ivory Coast

From: Libertarian Republican


From Eric Dondero:

Media out of France, and other Western European sources are reporting on the massive violence taking place in Cote d'Ivoire. The American media is largely silent, or is covering the story as "communal conflicts."

In truth, Muslim Troops, followers of former prime minister and radical Islamist Alassane Ouattara, massacred 1,000 Christians, mostly men in the town of Duekoue, who were fleeing the fighting. They were attempting to reach a nearby Catholic Church for refuge. UN Troops were in the area. But those who did not move quickly enough towards the Church were mowed down by machine-gunners stationed on top of pick-up trucks, were burned alive, or were hacked to death with machetes.


Reporter: "When we arrived on Thursday, it was already clear something horrible had happened. There were numerous corpses lying in the streets..."

Although the reporter describes the violence as "inter-ethnic," he inadvertently confirms an earlier Scottish Herald report that the perpetrators were mostly Muslim immigrants from Burkina-Faso. (At approx. the 1:40 minute mark).
The attackers seem to have been largely soldiers descended from Burkina Faso immigrant Muslim families loyal to Ouattara…


Meanwhile French Troops are entering the country to evacuate their citizens. There are conflicting reports that French Troops have taken control of the Airport in the largest city of Abidjan.

Additional Note - Papa Giorgio, a Christian libertarian and friend of this website, reports at his blog RPT:
When I first read about this (thanks to Drudge) the very first thing I did was follow the rabbit trail. I typed in “Alassane Ouattara Muslim” in Google search… guess what? These followers of Ouattara and Ouattara himself are Muslims. I thought to myself that most likely the people murdered were Christians. Guess what, Libertarian Republican has this story.
UPDATE! Canadian Reuters, ABC News and the Washington Post have finally picked up on the story, just minutes ago. However, none of these major media are reporting that it was Muslims who killed the 1,000 Catholic civilians, but are rather portraying the violence as a "civil war," or a simple dispute over the recent presidential election.

NEW INFORMATION!! Massacre of 800 to 1,000 Catholics in Ivory Coast likely work of Islamists

Just Breaking...

From Eric Dondero:

The American media, so far, has given very little coverage to the massacre late last week in the Ivory Coast of 1,000 Catholics. Western European media has been covering the story. But it has only been within the last few hours, that the full story has come out.

Paragraphs down in Western media reports, the culprits are identified: Muslim followers of Alassane Ouattara.

He is the former (unelected) prime minister (1990 - '93). In 2010 he ran and lost for the presidency of the Ivory Coast.

Catholic Charity workers hacked to death with Machete's

From the UK Telegraph "Ivory Coast: aid workers find 1,000 bodies in Duekoue":
The single biggest atrocity in the long battle for control of Ivory Coast has emerged after aid workers discovered the bodies of up to 1,000 people in the town of Duekoue.

Patrick Nicholson, a spokesman for the Catholic charity Caritas, said his team had counted 1,000 bodies, adding that some had been hacked with machetes.
From Deutsche Presse-Agentur (via M&G News):
'The secretary general expressed particular concern and alarm about reports that pro-Ouattara forces may have killed many civilians in the town of Duekoue in the west of the country,' the UN said.

The Catholic charity Caritas has said that up to 1,000 people had been massacred in Duekoue, which forces loyal to Ouattara seized earlier this week.
Breaking from the "The next Rwanda?":
A massacre in a Roman Catholic mission compound in the heart of the Ivory Coast’s cocoa-producing region could come to be seen as a crucial moment in the West African state’s escalating civil war.

Early reports suggested that more than 800 people, largely from the Gbagbo-supporting Gueré tribe, were killed in a single day at the sprawling Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekoue, 300 miles west of Abidjan towards the Liberian border. The attackers seem to have been largely soldiers descended from Burkina Faso immigrant Muslim families loyal to Ouattara...
More from the London Telegraph, "Ivory Coast: Alassane Ouattara's uphill journey to power," April 3:
Mr Ouattara is a Muslim from the country's north, where most foreign migrants live...
Finally, according to WND via BareNakedIslam:
The Ivory Coast is facing the forced Islamist takeover of its government, a move being pushed by the United States and United Nations, whose leaders reportedly are ignoring the nation’s own procedures that determined Laurent Gbagbo, a Christian, legitimately was re-elected president... Raila Odinga has called for African nations to remove Mr Gbagbo by force if necessary."
Odinga is the Muslim-aligned Prime Minister of Kenya. Barack Obama and Odinga are distant cousins.

Important photo note - Depictions of violence from the Jan. 18 elections, Ouattara's supporters against the opposition Gbago supporters, not of the very recent violence via BNI. Photo h/t

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