Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Birther Thing

A short post from a good blog

From: Neptunas Lex

I just don’t get it.

I mean, I get the part where people who are – shall we say, “concerned”? – about our president’s political proclivities might have grasped at any straw once Hillary fell out and the Maverick fizzled. I do. But hope, as they say, is not a strategy.

But after a contemporaneous birth announcement was produced, along with the short form document that the state of Hawaii uses to certify live births after the fact, keeping the flame of hope alive required heroic doses of self-delusion.

I don’t really understand why President Obama – who today produced the long form document that ought to finally put this ridiculous issue to bed – waited until The Donald made it an issue, when he clearly could have done so years ago.

I really don’t get why The Donald – who has a long history of favoring Democratic candidates in national elections – chose to use this particular issue to highlight his GOP election campaign.

I don’t get why the president, proclaiming that he had no time to address such a ludicrous subject, nevertheless took the time to address it.

I really don’t get why the tin-foil set won’t let this absurd story go, in light of the far more pressing topics facing the Republic.

I’m just the teensiest bit smarter than the average bear. And that’s a lot of consecutive things not to get.

But trying to untangle that mess? Leads you right back into the conspiracy theory swamps again.

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