Monday, April 04, 2011

Arctic Sea Ice Increases for Third Consecutive Year: Global Warming to Blame?

From: Conservative Hideout

I know, they’re calling it Global Climate Disruption© these days, but we know they’ll change the terminology to cover the failure of the narrative, right?
Steve, from Motor City Times, found this before me, so he deserves the credit.
5000 cubic km more sea ice?
Now that we’ve just past the March-peak in Arctic sea ice area, I thought it’s a good time to take another look at the Arctic sea ice thickness again. What follows is a comparison of March 23, 2008 (the old death spiral days) and March 25, 2011.
Well lo and behold, we see yet another huge increase. That ice thickness increase has grown even more.
Note the huge difference in just three years. Today practically the entire Arctic cap is green…
I wonder how they’re going to spin this? Or will they just ignore it?

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