Friday, December 03, 2010

Yes, Philadelphia, There Is A "Christmas Village"

Nutter Putting Christmas Signs Back Up

PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter says the city will restore two signs that read "German Christmas Village" after two days of controversy after the city tried to replace the word "Christmas" with "Holiday" at a seasonal market operated at City Hall.

Nutter said the change will be made on Thursday in time for the Holiday Tree lighting ceremony.
A member of city council, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and many local people weren't happy that city officials wanted the word "Christmas" taken off signs at the annual shopping fair.

"It was very disappointing to learn of the city’s decision to remove the word “Christmas” on the village archway sign located at Dilworth Plaza in Philadelphia," the archdiocese said on Wednesday.

The organizer of the "Christmas Village" event vowed that he would not delete "Christmas" from his event's name, but he had to take down the signs about the event to comply with a city request.

Dr. Thomas Bauer, the President of German American Marketing, which runs the event, says his group never changed the name of the venue, but took the word "Christmas" off its signs at the request of Philadelphia managing director Rich Negrin.

On Tuesday, Negrin was trying to spin the city's decision to drop the word "Christmas" from the vendor display as an inclusive decision.

But Philadelphia Councilwoman Joan Krajewski announced that she would introduce a ceremonial resolution calling on the city to remember and respect it’s citizens who celebrate Christmas.

To view Councilwoman Krajewski’s resolution, click here. Fox 29's Joyce Evans reported late Wednesday evening that Mayor Nutter asked Councilwoman Krajewski not to introduce this resolution Thursday morning. She has agreed, in the "spirit of Christmas."

The decision quickly became a hot potato as the story went viral on the Internet, and people let their feelings known on Facebook.

Popular local Web sites were flooded with comments against the decision, and the story was picked up by the Drudge Report.

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