Saturday, November 20, 2010

News From Sweden

Swedish doctor assaulted 'for being a man' - The Local

A doctor at Örebro University Hospital in central Sweden was attacked and kicked recently by the relatives of a critical ill woman who had just given birth, because they objected to him being a male.
"He was attacked by the husband and received a kick to the groin," said René Bangshöj at the hospital to the local Nerikes Allehanda (NA) daily.

The incident occurred on November 6th when the doctor entered the delivery room at the maternity ward at the hospital responding to a call from the woman's attendant midwife. She had recently given birth and was bleeding heavily.

The woman's husband screamed at the doctor that he should leave the room at once, but he refused and approached the patient to examine her. At this point he was attacked by the man.

The husband's brother joined in the melee, attacking the doctor from behind, according to the newspaper.

The matter was reported to the police who escorted the woman's relatives from the premises. The woman was then taken in for an operation to address the bleeding.

The doctor continues to work at the clinic and the hospital has stated that it plans to clarify its position that staff can not be selected according to their gender.

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