Wednesday, September 03, 2008


It has been quite a few days since John McCain made the enlightened selection of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. There has been a frenzy of bullshit by the media ever since, but I would like to capture my initial feelings of excitement upon hearing of the selection and why I feel inspired.

My political hero has always been Ronald Reagan. He is the reason I embrace conservative political principles and the Republican Party as an aside. He is a model, precisely because he acted on what he believed. He didn't have "soft" convictions, but steeled principles that drove him as a public servant.

Many, over years have attempted to portray themselves as the heir to Ronald Reagan's legacy and political core. Unfortunalety, so many of those lack the fundamental character to enact those principles and abandon them all the while putting up a front of standing for those convictions.

I have always admired, respected & voted whenever possible for John McCain. I voted for him eight years ago in the Florida primary over George Bush, even though the latter was more closely aligned with my views. THe overall character of Senator McCain trumped many issues and I still hold true to this view.

However much I admire John McCain, I must admit my sense of this election has been as an objective observer, rather than passionate participant. In choosing his running mate, John McCain could've played it safe with Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty. He did not. If he had done so, we would've yawned and the news cycle would've been dominated by recaps of Barack Obama's speech the night before.

As a conservative, I can say the last few years have not easy, as many so called "conservative" Republican Congressmen & Senators abandoned the principles that Ronald Reagan so firmly established. THey spent like drunken sailors. EXCEPT for John McCain. John McCain has crossed many people and been subject to many just and unjust criticisms, but he always stayed true to fiscal conservative principles.

I had not slept Friday morning & could not sleep upon hearing the news that a private jet had arrived outside of Dayton Ohio, having arrived from Anchorage, Alaska. Being a political junkie, I knew who Sarah Palin was and became almost giddy at her being the ruinning mate. I was then and remain now enthused by her selection. Why? Because, unlike many Republicans, she has stayed true to her core beliefs and has triumped over the likes of Ted Stevens, Frank Murkowski and Don Young, who over 40 years have epitomized everything true conservatives despise about American politics. Oh, and they're all Republicans.

Her speech on Friday in DAyton was honest,genuine, sincere, forthright and truly inspiring. Whatever the outcome, at least for this moment in time I feel as if everything I believe in has been validated. Validated by a woman, who, like me embodies the sensibilities and principles of Ronald Reagan and his greater faith in all of us. I have not been so energized,enthused and inspired since Ronald REagan occupied the Oval Office. THe contentious commentaries that have emanated since are the subject of my next posting.

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