In Pitman, NJ the local Knights of Columbus hung a banner across Main Street. "Keep Christ in Christmas," it said.
Simple. Poignant. Offensive?
The Freedom From Religion Foundation contacted Mayor Michael Batten Friday requesting the banner be moved to private property claiming it "unmistakably endorses the Christian faith."
"It offends non-believers and Jews and Wiccans and Americans of any religion," said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the foundation which aims at protecting the First Amendment, which includes the principle of separation of church and state. "It sends the wrong message ... It's a devotional sign. If it just said Merry Christmas, we wouldn't be writing that letter, but it says 'Keep Christ in Christmas.' It's taking a sectarian point of view."
Freedom of religion does not equate to freedom from religion.
Jesus is the reason for the season!
Well, unless you're an atheist kill-joy.
According to the letter, not relocating the banner to private property should create a public forum and the borough should be expected to accept banners displaying all points of view.
"If the borough agrees this is an open forum and allows the Christ banner to remain, then FFRF would like to hang a banner, too," the letter read.
The foundation's banner would read:
Oh please, please hang that banner in my town. Please!"If the borough agrees this is an open forum and allows the Christ banner to remain, then FFRF would like to hang a banner, too," the letter read.
The foundation's banner would read:
At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are not gods, no devils, no angels, nor heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds. Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Then we can mock you. Relentlessly. According to the article there are only 300 members of your organization here in New Jersey. Please identify yourselves. I plan to walk up to each and every one of you, shake your hand, and say "Merry Christmas." Just to watch you squirm.
You wanna be attention-whores? Then by golly you're gonna get some attention. How sad and pathetic you sound. Empty and lonely too. "Only our natural world?" Do you not wonder how it was created? Are your lives so devoid of meaning that you would deny pleasure and spirituality to others? Does it perhaps make you feel inferior when forced to confront your myopic worldview?
For no, you are not all there is. Not by a longshot. And to pretend otherwise is the ultimate in hubris.
See Christmas through the eyes of a child. See it through the eyes of the child who would sacrifice his life to save the world.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
— John 15:13
— John 15:13
Or you could howl at the moon on the Winter Solstice, if that's what really keeps you warm at night. No Christian will stop you. Honest. Even if you did it in the middle of Main Street.
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