Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Navy Seals Deserve A Raise!

The following is a link from The Blog Prof. Seals make $54,000 a year

The Blog Prof

The average teacher salary across the US is greater than $55,000 per year, more than a Navy SEAL makes after 12 years of experience. Seals don't try to inculcate our kids into deranged ideologies. They don't protest that taxpayers that pay their salary. And they don't go on strike. K-12 teachers do. Just sayin'. From ABC News via memeorandumHow Much Does a Typical Navy SEAL Earn?

The estimated salary for a Navy SEAL -- with over a dozen years of experience and an E-7 pay grade -- is about $54,000, according to an estimate based on data from the Department of Defense.

...The base salary level is comparable to the average annual salary for teachers in the U.S., which was $55,350 for the 2009-2010 school year, according to the Digest of Education Statistics.

"Also note that military personnel may have more extensive benefits and on-base housing," said Lori Taylor, a professor at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. "But they work year 'round while teachers get 2 to 3 months off in the summer."
Also, the most important part - THEY PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE! Day in. Day out. That's not mentioned in the ABC piece.

...The youngest graduates normally make a monthly base salary of $1,916.10 to $2,325.90, according to the Department of Defense.

Eric Haney, a retired Command Sergeant Major, is a former member of Delta Force, which is regarded as the Army's equivalent of the SEAL Team Six. Haney estimated that the average ranking of special operations team members across the military branches is E-7, which entitles them to receive a monthly base pay of $2,637.30 to $4,143, according to the Department of Defense.

"But they're certainly not in it for the bucks," said Haney. ...
So what exactly are striking teachers that protest against taxpayers for unsustainable union benefits in it for exactly? An interview with a SEAL insider:

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