Tuesday, May 10, 2011

48 Day Wait In Massachussetts Under Romneycare

From: The Blog Prof

Massachusetts did as a state what Pelosi, Reid and Obama want to force on the entire nation, and if the courts uphold ObamaCare as constitutional, then we have no Republic. At least the state of Massachusetts had a right to pass such stupidity. The Congress does not even have that. In any case, the result of what MA did was quite predictable, as is ObamaCare. From The Boston Globe via HotAir headlines: Wait time for doctors in Massachusetts now as high as 48 days
A new poll of 838 Massachusetts doctors finds patients are still waiting weeks -- in some cases as long as a month and a half -- for non-urgent appointments with primary care physicians and certain specialists.

...The average wait ranged from 24 days for an appointment with a pediatrician to 48 days to see an internist. The wait for an internist was actually down slightly, from 53 days in a similar 2010 survey, but the waits for family doctors, gastroenterologists, orthopedists, and ob/gyns increased.
ObamaCare is creating a huge doctor shortage, and is cutting Medicare reimbursement rates thus removing doctors from the system via attrition. The supply of doctors was already stretched. How did Obama believe that dumping 30 million people into the system wouldn't 'save or create' a shortage? Did he not see what happened and continues to happen in Massachusetts?

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