Saturday, December 04, 2010

Here WE Go Again

O CHRISTMAS TREE: Ames High School takes down holiday decorations

A Christmas tree in Ames High School's cafeteria was taken down just two days after it was donated to the school for its winter dance. School officials say they removed the decoration after several phone calls stating it was "offensive."

Ames school district officials call it a "winter tree," but students say the tree was clearly a Christmas tree. Both described it as a pine tree decorated with cardinal and gold lights and ornaments.

Students say the tree went up on Monday, then suddenly taken down on Wednesday. All school officials would tell Channel 13 today was that they received several calls that the tree was "offensive."

Officials declined our repeated requests for an on camera interview, but the district's principal told The Tribune, "I didn't want this to become a distraction that would take away from the precious time we have to educate students. We decided it would be best to take down the tree."

"You can't stop the world from celebrating. You shouldn't be offended by the tree it was donated and we had to take it down. It was kind of heartbreaking. People liked tree in the lunch room," says student Jay Hoskins.

"I didn't find it offensive but I guess I could see why people would but I don't think people did. I bet someone told their parents and they didn't think it was a good idea in case someone did get offended," says student Eric Jones.

"I think its' them being oversensitive and overly politically correct. They did call it non-denominational so don't see why it could offend someone when they're trying so hard to make it not offensive," says student Megan Streit.

The district's policy on religion says, "The district is required by law to keep the practice of religion out of the school curriculum. Preferential or derogatory treatment of any religion shall not take place."

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