Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It is quite obvious that I am no great fan of Barack Obama's politics or policies. The political disagreements, however do not extend to a personal assessment. He clearly is a devoted husband and father. He projects warmth and compassion, sometimes even in his discussion of policy.

If I thought that Barack Obama was in any way responsible for an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I would not hesitate to be critical, but he is not responsible. If I thought that he had the ability to end the current tragedy with personal skill,knowledge or expertise, I would hold him accountable. He does not possess such skills and therefore must rely on professionals who have dedicated their lives to such matters.

The BP Oil  Spill in the Gulf is an epic tragedy and in almost every respect even President Obama, wielding such power as he does can feel a sense of helplessness. I remember the old deodorant commercial motto, "never let them see you sweat". If the President feels events are beyond his control and helpless to alter it, that's ok, but true leadership never projects impotence in the face of tragedy. That is exactly what our President is projecting, however unintentionally. 

If we cannot cap the well quickly, then the government at every level, must make every effort to try and contain the disaster from spreading. A daunting task to say the least. Many would say a futile gesture. Upwards of 14 million people in the Gulf Region are affected by this disaster and when so many livelihoods are hanging by a thread it is incumbent of those in a leadership position to address the crisis in stark terms.

A President must be a realist, but in our lowest moments as individual,family,community and nation everyone at some point needs to hear a calming voice that reassures us that we shall see through it,endure and prosper yet again. It is exemplified by FDR's declaration at the height of the Depression that "all we have to fear is fear itself". Leaders, even those constrained by real conditions must never fail to project confidence, for it is renewed confidence by the common man that establishes an historic legacy for Presidents such as Roosevelt,Kennedy and Reagan, because they inspired us to believe in ourselves again.      

President Obama has failed to project any sense of true leadership. The people of the Gulf Region have every right to expect his express attention to their plight. He needs to take every available measure to contain the damage and assure us that he will oversee efforts at recovery. If efforts to halt or contain this ecological calamity fail, that's ok, but we as a people also have every right to see that he TRIED. I, like most people relate to failed effort, but we all detest a lack or perceived lack of effort. 

Barack Obama is a gifted man. He has moved and inspired people with rhetorical flourishes that have rarely been equaled. Why, amidst tragedy is his capacity to inspire so noticeably absent? Millions of people are seeing their dreams, their future disappear. Maybe my perspective is clouded by politics, but our President seems to be in a state of remote detachment. This is supported by his failure to comment on historic flooding in Tennessee, besides our present predicament in the Gulf of Mexico.

The President will visit the Gulf this weekend, interrupting his vacation. Meanwhile, the EPA is obstructing designs by the State of Louisiana to contain the damage from the spill. Governor Bobby Jindal is trying to do something  and the Feds hold him back. Absurd.

We don't need the President or any other politician to tell us that BP is responsible. WE KNOW THAT ALREADY. They'll be held to account soon enough. In the meantime is it so much to ask that the gifted oratory that elevated him to the highest elective office in the world express the requisite empathy with an intent to restore faith and confidence? The devil as is said is in the "details", but the details only matter if we are inspired to make the effort. Inspiration requires a voice with innate skills to lead. 

He is not to blame but Barack Obama has demonstrated a capacity to lead,inspire and motivate. He needs to rediscover his voice. He needs to project HOPE, not helplessness. He must be seen to act, rather than project impotence. The country and specifically the people of the Gulf Region need a strong dose of HOPE. Find your voice Mr President because it is moments like this when we look to our President to lead. It's not too late.  
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