Thursday, September 18, 2008


I was watching a variety of news programs today when I came across two comments that alarmed me. Many have been made aware of Joe Biden's comments that it is "patriotic" to pay higher taxes. Lost in that comment was his direct suggestion that they want to take from the rich & give to the middle class.

It reads "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," Biden said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America

I ask how is this any different than Karl Marx's famous axiom "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." ?

They both advocate taking from those who have & give to those who have not.

Freshman Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, a supporter of Barrack Obama, on Fox News suggested that we needed to raise taxes because the economy is like a pie. There is only so much to go around & it needs to de divided equitably.

Again, how is this view differrent tha Marx's axiom, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."?

One cannot genuinely support free market economics and use a pie to analogize its dynamics. A pie suggests that economics is a zero-sum game. It suggests that one's success has a direct effect on another's failure, as opposed to their respective merits or compatency.

Free market theory and practice fundamentally states that economies are ever growing, ever expanding & upon expansion, increasingly inclusive of a greater number of citizens. That's why pies as an analogy undermines the very underpinnings of free market economics, as it suggests finite limitations and denies genuine growth and expansion as a variable. If we had always adopted this view, we would no doubt still be living in caves, evenly dividing the remains of the days hunting & gathering.

At the root of all this is the belief that some people are deemed unworthy of success & should be denied its rewards. Obama,Biden, & Klobuchar and certainly many more would set themselves up as the arbiters of who is and is not entitled to reap the rewards that success provides. It is fundamentally un American to seek to use the instruments of government to undo individual success.

I may be accused of red baiting, but nonetheless it is increasingly obvious that Obama/Biden would embark on a Socialist economic program, even though they don't quote him directly.

To borrow a phrase en vogue these days. You can put lipstick on a copy of "Das Kapital", but it's still "Das Kapital".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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